Discover life in all its fulness

May 03, 2021

Christians want to live life in all its fulness. Unfortunately, our churches are not designed to help people follow Jesus, grow relationally and emotionally, while living in alignment with their true identity. We therefore developed Joyskills because we wanted to help people:

- Grow an intimate heart connection with God.

- Cultivate emotional and relational health through increased understanding and practising brain skills.

- Develop a purposeful Christian life living in alignment with their true identity.

What we found is that most of us stagnate as Christians once we have covered the basics of discipleship, learnt about prayer and spiritual warfare, and developed a degree of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Some Christians hear from God others see God work in power but usually they can’t fit it all together or even if they can they can't help others to do so consistently.

We know God has everything we need to thrive, but if we are honest most of us can’t fit the jigsaw pieces together. Despite the best efforts of believers, churches and ministries, increasing transformation into the image of Christ seems to be the exception and not the rule. However, there is hope!

The cause of this trouble is that many churches focus on half our brain and produce half-brained believers who can step into relational and emotional growth when they use their whole brains. When the right brain and left brain work in harmony, peace, joy and character transformation become commonplace in our communities.

Joyskills brings missing ingredients in church discipleship that lead to true and lasting transformation. Based in 30 years of research and practice from the Christian ministries of the Life Model and Heartsync; and Christian coaches Mark Forster and Clare Pedrick.

Our new blog will help you on this journey. We have just switched provider and so our blog has restarted. Old posts will be on our resource website.