Escaping Immaturity

Feb 01, 2023

One of the most helpful parts of being trained in the Life Model was to have someone else do the work of putting together a Birds Eye view of how to grow Christian maturity.

The first steps we train people in are above.

I remember when Ruth and I did an assessment of our maturity levels (the last step above) while we were at Thrive training and we suddenly realised where our marital arguments were coming from. We both had a maturity gap in the same place.

Dr Jim Wilder had gone beyond combining the human psychology I had learned when I was studying for my MA in Counseling with Christian Formation in a number of ways.

  • First Jim developed a questionnaire to help us to assess where our maturity gaps might be
  • Second, Jim developed exercises to help us fill-in the gaps and
  • Third, we had a community where the skills could be modelled and learnt. You really can't learn the skills by reading a book. They have to be seen to be internalized.

In Joyskills we adapted the skills to help people understand them and trained people in them. It was in the group experiences and the one-on-one experiences that we all grew. If you want to do a maturity assessment then book a session with Ruth and she can work through that with you.