Our Story 1 Oct 22

Oct 01, 2022

Sudden panic attacks used to plague Ruth. Prayer could stop them. But we didn't want to pray every night for Ruth to sleep. During our search for a way forward, the Lord led us to Jim Wilder's teaching that we all need 19 brain skills to flourish. When we lack those skills, we lack the resilience to cope with life's difficulties. You can live a more wholehearted Christian life as you develop those skills (Joyskills). The more we developed those skills, the better our relationship became, Ruth's panic attacks stopped, and we gained a deeper understanding of ourselves. 

From the inside out, we trained people in how to grow happiness and joy. That was Joyskills. In his own ministry, Mike used them to create a planner and appreciation journal for his mentoring relationships. People gained an understanding of themselves and grew because of these skills. Furthermore, they helped leaders understand why their own people struggled in their Christian discipleship.

The Lord then gave Mike a vision and told him to investigate HeartSync. Using this method of prayer can help people grow from the inside-out without re-traumatizing them. 

Through our ministry, people get the skills they need to grow and heal from the inside out

People can use these skills for themselves and in their organizations. For example, in church or business, as you spot when people are becoming non-relational, you need to change your approach to them because no-one can effectively work with a client, boss or worker who is in “enemy mode”. Or the other month we were training Korean missionaries who described the training as “paradigm-shifting” and “life-transforming.” Last week, Ruth was praying for people in inner healing or coaching them in skills to grow their relationships and joy. Mike mostly employs the skills and prayer in the local church.

We are hoping to get back into the swing of things after travel and COVID-19 and we are looking forward to seeing what God does in people's lives over the next months.