“Outsmarting Yourself: The Ultimate Guide to Thriving Relationships” 🎉 14 August 23

Aug 14, 2023

📚 Karl Lehmans's amazing book is now online. You can get the new digital version of Outsmarting Yourself by Dr. Karl Lehman for $27.99!📚

It is the background to what we teach on Relational Circuits and is great for those who want to go deeper.

“Uncover Your Brain’s Strategies for Navigating the World”

The book analyses our daily challenges and the conflicts of life together.

“Maximize Your Strengths While Minimizing the Havoc They Can Cause”

  • It is based on the idea that God designed our brains for relationships.
  • It provides a paradigm and language to understand relationship breakdowns, and respond to them in a mature, restorative manner.
  • It explains why it is so hard to recognize one’s own contribution to conflict and upset and so easy to blame everything on the other person.
  • Dr Lehman goes on to provide simple and effective tools to help me recognize when/why I’m part of the problem and how I can re-connect to God and other.

“Understand the People in Your World, Including Yourself”

Outsmarting Yourself is a precious resource for Christian communities because it provides solutions that are consistent with our Christian values.

  • When we lose connection with others, the first and most ideal step of repair is to reconnect to God who is always glad to be with us.
  • For those who have difficulty perceiving God, this book explains potential blockages and offers other ways to get relational such as calming, deliberate appreciation, and receiving attunement/empathy from someone.

As someone said, "Outsmarting Yourself provides a Christ-centered, scientifically-grounded, and easily-grasped paradigm for understanding the people in your world, including yourself, and gives you realistic, psychologically sound tools for becoming a joyful, live-giving person with thriving relationships."

If you want some Autumn reading, or you want to go deeper, you can purchase the digital version of Outsmarting Yourself as an “online course” through Karl’s Pathwright platform, and then just download the EPUB file. This can be read with Kindle, Kindle Previewer, Adobe Digital Editions, iBooks for iOS, Google Play Books for Android, Universal Book Reader for Android, ePUB Reader for Windows, or any other e-reader. Get your copy today! 📚