Rediscover Real Joy: A Guide to Deeper Fulfilment for Christians

Dec 16, 2023

Do you feel like something vital is missing in your spiritual life? Have mounting stresses slowly drained your contentment and excitement for life? If so, it may be time to rediscover true, Biblical joy.

While the world sees joy as fleeting happiness, the Bible reveals it goes much deeper. As the psalmist said, God's face brings true joy (Psalm 21:6). Just as Moses' face shone being with God, we feel joy through intimate connection with Him and others.

Michel Hendricks explains it well: "Joy is not happiness. Joy is a ‘happy to be together-ness'." It's like when Peter's face lit up seeing the resurrected Jesus on the beach - that's joy! This lasting joy has incredible impacts:

  • Transforms relationships - Marriages thrive like Boaz and Ruth. Teams unite like the first Christ-followers in Acts. Defensiveness/conflict decrease as grace increases
  • Returns you to your true self - Hard emotions lose grip like Paul's "thorn" being overcome by God's power. You act your authentic, relational best.
  • Brings emotional maturity - Attachment anxiety/avoidance shifts to security in God's love. Wounds heal as joy restores the brain like the paralytic Jesus cured.
  • Leads to feeling fully known/cherished - Like the father welcoming the prodigal son, you feel delighted in as a beloved child.

Want more of that joy? Get in touch today to begin your joy journey and live the abundant life you were created for!