Remembering & our latest news

Nov 14, 2021

We hope this finds you well. We are just back after our Remembrance Service, where we stop to remember those who have been affected by the wars and troubles of this world and think about our lives as we journey forwards. We were praying for our enemies that they may experience god-sight - seeing the world and themselves as God sees the world.

Sometimes, hearing from God begins with appreciation. Mike has had fun this month filming some three minute videos on the benefits of appreciation. There are so many good things that the Lord wants to give us that can be unlocked as we sit in his presence.

You can experience the videos as a free short course - click here. We will send you a video once a day for ten days. If you have any trouble with it, let us know, as this is something new for us!

Ruth has been offering more HeartSync sessions and is seeing remarkable fruit from it. Do be in touch if you would like to know more.

You can also see a new flip-through of Mike’s gratitude journal here. It would make a nice Christmas present for the same price as a cup of coffee and doughnut.

Mike has been helping people around me using the book RARE Leadership in the Workplace. People have been asking us recently what they can read next. We have put together the site to answer that question. It has suggestions for small groups, vicars, marriage etc. as a way in for you to invest in yourself next year.

Our hope is that these resources will help you and others live the life in all it’s fulness that Jesus offers us, but which we often find so elusive

Every blessing

Mike and Ruth