The Benefits of Being Calm and Peaceful

Jan 27, 2023

Being calm and peaceful can have a number of benefits for Christians, both in terms of their spiritual well-being and their daily lives. Here are a few examples:

1.           Closer relationship with God: Christians who experience calm and peace in their lives tend to have a closer relationship with God, as they are more likely to be in a state of receptivity and stillness to hear His voice and guidance.

2.           Greater faith: Christians who are calm and peaceful tend to have a greater faith that God is with them, which can help them to trust in Him during difficult times.

3.           Greater love for others: Christians who are calm and peaceful tend to have a greater love for others, as they are more likely to be kind, compassionate, and patient.

4.           Greater sense of purpose: Christians who are calm and peaceful tend to have a greater sense of purpose in their lives, as they are more likely to be motivated by their desire to serve God and others.

5.           Increased ability to forgive: Christians who are calm and peaceful tend to be more able to forgive others, as they are more likely to be filled with God's love and grace.

6.           Increased ability to persevere: Christians who are calm and peaceful tend to be more able to persevere through difficult times, as they are more likely to be sustained by the peace of the Lord.

7.           Greater sense of contentment: Christians who are calm and peaceful tend to have a greater sense of contentment with their lives, as they are more likely to find satisfaction in serving God and others.

8.           Greater sense of inner peace: Christians who are calm and peaceful tend to have a greater sense of inner peace, which can be a powerful testimony to others and can bring glory to God.

Of course being calm and peaceful is a gift from God and a fruit of the Spirit. It's also possible to actively cultivate it through prayer, worship, reading the Bible, serving others, being thankful and learning skills. You can seek guidance from a pastor or Christian counsellor if you are struggling with feeling calm and peaceful, and you can take our course on how to calm down and find peace.